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Forgiveness: Feelings and Fact – Burden Lifting

Repentance 2Key Bible Verse: Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. Galatians 6:1

Bonus Reading: James 5:19-20

The priestly system, a human mediator between sinners and God, was done away with when Jesus gave his life once and for all on the cross. But there’s something beautiful about how God designed the body of Christ so that meaningful life sharing takes place in important areas like confession and absolution.

When a friend is weighed down under a burden of sin, we can lovingly invite him to speak about what’s troubling him. Confession is painful to do, but when you give permission for your friend to bring his sin into the light and you hear his confession, you help lift the burden from him. Help your brother name the sin. Then be ready to speak a loving absolution.

You may even want to rise and lay hands on your brother. In an attitude of prayer, say: “What you have just told me is a confession. The Bible says we are to confess our sins to one another so that we may receive God’s forgiveness and healing. I am convinced that you’re truly sorry for this. Therefore, in the name of Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven.”

With continued prayer support and accountability, your friend will experience complete healing and restoration.

—Tom Eisenman in The Accountable Man

My Response: Am I willing to hear another man’s confession and offer him the forgiveness that is promised in Christ?

Thought to Apply: We have a free, full, final, forever forgiveness in the atoning work of Christ.—J. Sidlow Baxter (preacher)

Adapted from The Accountable Man (InterVarsity, 2004)

Prayer for the Week: Thank you, Lord, that my standing with You has nothing to do with deserving, and everything to do with receiving the forgiveness You’ve offered.
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